Make Money

July 1, 2017

Why You Should QUIT Playing Blackjack IF You Are Serious About Making Money In The CASINO!

1 – Blackjack is the best game in the casino IF: You have mastered BASIC STRATEGY You are an accomplished CARD COUNTER You can consistently not act on your urge to strangle every novice player at 3rd base who does not stand with a 12-16 against the dealer’s […]
September 8, 2016

How To Control The Dealer If The Game Is Too Fast – Part 2

How To Control The Dealer If The Game Is Too Fast – Part 2 OK, so you tried asking the dealer to deal a little more slowly and he/she either honored your request, at least temporarily, or did not, and either way, you are struggling to come up […]
June 28, 2016

Can I Make $500 a Day Playing Your Baccarat System

Can I Make $500 a Day Playing Your Baccarat System The most frequently asked question I get from prospective students is…”can I make $_______ a day?” The most common amount is $500. The answer is yes. If you learn the system and follow all my guidance concerning how […]