This will explain how I ended up becoming a full time
gambler after being a doctor.

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are actual shoes played using the Bacdoctor system.

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If you want to know why baccarat is the best table game
in the casino better than craps, roulette or blackjack.

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Dr. Tom’s Baccarat System

The end result of a 45 year long search for gambling “truth” is now available to gamblers all over the world.

Dr. Tom’s Baccarat Home Study Course

The Bacdoctor Home Study Course takes the experienced baccarat player or the baccarat “newbie” through 10 separate paced lessons each with a dedicated video which makes learning the bet selection and money management as easy as possible. Read more

Dr. Tom’s In Person Baccarat Training

The “In Person One on One Personal Training” program is a unique opportunity for the individual player who wants to learn the Bacdoctor baccarat system in just 2 days of “bootcamp style” training. All students will be trained personally by the Bacdoctor himself. Read more



If you visit any other website offering to sell you gambling “knowledge” or expertise, how do their testimonials compare in quantity and quality to these? I know for a fact that most of them were written…poorly at that…by the system sellers themselves. I am super proud of my students and their accomplishments at the baccarat tables. Several students actually paid their training fee the first time they played the Bacdoctor System in the casino.

“A Day’s Work” My New Favorite Color  
Ray    January 23, 2020   Skill Level: Above Average    HYBRID System, SSHPH   
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Yesterday was my first day going somewhat live, I went to Twin River Casino. I did not intend to place any bets, but instead wanted to practice live timing of charting with SSHP using C1 and C2 with the XXXXX Money Management. Given my home practice I expected to target my exit of the shoe around 30 decisions in, but wanted to continue to play out the shoe for additional real time action.

I used the table, early morning only 2 to choose from, that was also used for Stadium play. As such, it was televised on a big screen and tracked nicely on a play by play board. The dealer pace was set by a timer at 30 seconds to next hand. It allowed more than enough time for me to chart and decide my next bets and to re-check my work against the decision history on the board. I played through 75 hands in the shoe of which 8 were ties. It took about 1 hour and 30 minutes, which I was pleased with, given the expected delays of paying out bets, collecting losses, calculating commissions, new chips added to the dealer bank and a few new players buying in and cashing out.

I have not yet replayed the shoe to prove my work, but the results as played are strong. My “Smart Play” had me exit at decision 31. I did continue to see the eventual outcome was even stronger. At my exit C1 was +14 and C2 had climbed back out of a -7 hole to 0, an exit at +14 is fine by me.

Thru continued play in hands 32-75, C1 hit a low of +5 and C2 hit a low of -1. Thru 75 hands C1 ended at +19 and C2 ended at +16.

My goal for the visit was to practice charting in real time. I expect the actual placing of bets at the table will add only slightly more time and a bit of stress, but the 30 seconds of time appears to be ample.

Please look over the attached shoe, of note I have been very hesitant to get on the XXX but do look to play with the XXXXX

Thank you for all the continued help!

That's after 900 at the Baccarat table. 1 shoe.That's a 5500 dollar week. Sorry 5800

I need to learn to not monkey out but it’s tough.  
Peter    January 22, 2020   N/A    Skill Level: Above Average    HYBRID System, SSHPH   
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Two shoes, I went to thousand dollars. I got here at 1 PM and it's almost 3 PM and I'm going home. I love my job. Here is my new plan: I will work 265 days a year with 100 days off, earn an average of $1000 a day for a yearly income of $265,000 a year. I am averaging $250 per shoe and I will play 5 shoes a day. I like this plan. “I have the best job in the world.” I need to learn to not monkey out but it’s tough. It’s hard not to grab the profit when I see it.

I believe this is the smoothest Win I’ve had in any shoe play HYBRID.  
N/A    January 14, 2020   N/A    Skill Level: Above Average    HYBRID System, SSHPH   
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Dear Dr Tom, Alas ! The perfect 60 unit shoe. It was too good to be true. Such a shame i was betting smaller units. But a win is still a win. Hope I can get more of these shoes in future. I have once again included a screenshot of the actual online casino. This SHOE has HYBRID written all over it and works best with the XXX Count. OOP was just 1 unit. (Out Of Pocket how many units needed to play the whole shoe by the player.) I believe this is the smoothest Win I’ve had in any shoe play HYBRID. Please tell me (I would be curious to know) how many units VERISON 4 DUAL would have NETTED For this particular shoe? 10 losing bets in total vs 28 winning bets. If I get to chart a better shoe, I’ll definitely share with you.

I thought I'd share my results with you. I have been keeping records on all my play.  
Paul    January 13, 2020   Skill Level: Above Average    HYBRID System, SSHPH   
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Hi Tom, I thought I'd share my results with you. I have been keeping records on all my play. I just made my 1000th money bet. Virtual bets were not included. I had  551 Wins.... 449 Loses for a **55.1 win percentage.** Sessions are relatively short. There were 62 winning sessions, 31 losing sessions and 7 were break even. W/L had a 66.6 win percentage. Total units won were +235. I think it is a fair sample size. We'll see how it goes in the future. Take care, Paul



DOCTOR TOM: I then asked Paul which of the various SSHPH versions he had used?




Hey Tom,


No, I am not using the new 2 col version. I looked at it and will spend more time with it. It's hard for me to change what seems to be working so well. But I am open. I am using just 1 col. Short sessions quick to take good profits and quick to cut a poor shoe short. Seems to get a fair number of win streaks. I never end on a win bet. I always wait for a loss. XXXXX Money Management doesn't seem to be my personality. I use a XXXXXX. The most important thing to me is drawdown. It's way more important to me than units won. I know I have never had a 15 unit drawdown in a session. Not sure but 9 or so was probably about the worst. I have increased unit size a few times out of profits. Someone mentioned doubling bet size following a loss. I think it is a good idea. I tried experimenting with going up about 1.5x unit size following a loss. Still working with that.


Hope all is well. I'll keep in touch.





** I would like to put this +55.1% Flat Bet win rate into a perspective that many people may find surprising.



First, this 55.1% is very close to the reported average win rate by ALL my HYBRID students, including the original 3 column version dating back to May of 2017. Do you have any idea what that number +55.1% means?   It literally means that if you play any version of HYBRID, you will have a +9.05 % advantage OVER the casino which normally has a -1.06 % edge over all players betting banker.  It is -1.24 % for player wagers. Out of every 100 bets you would place on banker you would win ~54 and lose ~46... long term. If you were using $100 units, you would win ~$900 every 100 bets.  That is like having a printing press “in the basement,” as the old saying goes.


How powerful is a +9.05 %  player advantage? I will use an example you will be able to understand, When Beat The Dealer, by ED Thorpe, was published in the 60’s, and card counting became a reality for blackjack players, millions and millions was won in the casinos...with an average player’s advantage of just 1 %.  


That is the actual average edge gained by an expert card counter... who is able to play under “favorable” conditions.


There are few... to NO casinos...where favorable blackjack playing conditions can be found today. Also, with such a small edge, you need a very large playing bankroll behind your play because there will be very LARGE bankroll swings up and down. I recently read that with a $10,000 playing bankroll, a good card counter could expect to average winning $10 an hour.


Paul’s report is that his bankroll never dropped below 9 units in the red.


So, a little quick math would tell us that if, like the blackjack player who started with $10,000 and averages $10/hour...Paul could have played those 1000 baccarat bets with $1,000 units, he would have won +$235,000!! WITHOUT ever needing more than $9000 out of his bankroll...and that is IF, he had started at the exact spot he would have lost the first 9 units.  That did not happen by the way.  He was up many units in winnings before the 9 units were lost. Lastly, as a baccarat player, unlike a blackjack player, you never have to worry about getting barred for winning too much. ALL casino personnel, dealers, pit bosses and owners KNOW that...regardless of how much you win...if they can get you to keep coming back to play will lose it all back, with interest ...since they have the house edge. I’ll take that bet anytime.

I very rarely lose and have learned to walk when I'm down.  
Report from a *Home Study Course student    January 13, 2020   N/A    Skill Level: Above Average    HYBRID System, SSHPH   
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Hey Doc, hope all is well. I just got my win/lose back from the XXXX Casino. My 2019 win total was $46700 they had me at 65k, but I don't know how they figured that. All *HSC system and I added a 4th row that's been killing it. Again, hope you are doing great.. I play between 4-8 times a month. There are a lot of Baccarat tables at the XXXX, but I wait until a shoe is right before placing bets. Sometimes it's a real grind, but worth it if you wait. I very rarely lose and have learned to walk when I'm down. That's probably the hardest thing to conquer. I leave the show after 4 wins I'll stay only if it's a XX, XXX, XXXXX. The 4th row is my +/- of what the shoe is producing.

Note From Dr. Tom: I can only imagine how much he could have won as a SSHPH player. He is doing 4 times as much charting (4 columns versus 1 column for SSHPH)

Best regards and happy new year.  
Mervyn    January 10, 2020   N/A    Skill Level: Above Average    HYBRID System, SSHPH   
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Dear Dr Tom Once again words don’t express enough my gratitude. I’m not supposed to take photos inside the casino so please don’t share this photo. I guess you don’t need to see the charting to know what sort of results this shoe would generate in profits. I’m in Singapore now. And this trip has turned out quite fruitful indeed. I wonder what sort of profits this shoe would generate with your other betting strategies? But for me, I just stuck with “the old faithful”. Best regards and happy new year. Mervyn PS: I’ll tabulate all the data in excel and send you a tidy charting once I’m back in Hong Kong. Once again - many many thanks !

(Note From Dr. Tom: He had 26 WINNING BETS out of 29 HANDS!!!)


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